Sunday, September 27, 2009

23 years, 12 months, 1 week, 3 days

darn it i feel old.

perhaps it is due to the fact that i just celebrated another over 21 birthday. or that i semi-attended a house party full of 18-21 year olds last night (it was held by a housemate so participation or at least passive endurance was obligatory). the stereotypical party came complete with a bathtub full of beer, amateur bonfire, uniform theme, and copious amounts of noise. by midnight i was past ready for the scantily clad girls to get the heck out and the testosterone fueled boys to shut the crap up. spoken like a true old lady i know. i don't think i'm against house parties per say, maybe just ones attended by young (one girl still wore braces) hooligan strangers. yes. hooligan. i said i was old didn't i? at least i didn't have to work this morning. poor chris was not as fortunate; however, i don't think he minded too much since he did partake in much of the tub beer before rolling into bed at 4am; meanwhile i was holed up in my room desperately trying to block out the raucous chants of 'drink, drink, drink' with my ipod's snoozetime playlist to no avail.

on a more positive birthday note, i now get to brag on how thoughtful my wonderful significant other was in planning my day of festivities. honestly, chris was amazing. spending birthdays/holidays in foreign lands can be a damper on celebrating, but chris ensured an amazing day to remember. ok. let the bragging commence:

before i delve into my actual day of birth, i'd like to make a note of the day before. at work on wednesday, my friendly new coworkers provided me with a lovely birthday bouquet. how nice is that? i've worked at the place for a couple of weeks and already i get birthday gifts? after work i got to spend a rare evening at home with my man (he generally has to work) and we made it a cozy night in complete with pizza, ice-cream, and movies. simplicity can be the best sometimes no? after our quiet night we hit the sack early to be bright eyed and bushy tailed for my birthday surprise starting at 8am.

unfortunately, the day had a rather rough start. we managed to arrive 20 minutes late for our first funtivity due to train time miscalculation. oops. halfway running down the streets of melbourne trying to match my boyfriend's big strides through the rain soaked pavement to our destination, chris informed me that we were on our way to participate in a wine tour of the yarra valley-as long as we didn't miss our ride that is. thankfully, they held the van for us and we only suffered a few grumpy looks from our fellow wine tasters. by our first stop all was forgiven though-might have something to do with the introduction of vino into the system, but who am i to complain once absolved of transgression? our tour consisted of four wineries, scenic drives, a scrumptious lunch, and a cheese and sparkling wine to end the day. it. was. awesome. i've enjoyed many a wine tasting self guided tour with my vino loving family, but i've never done a professionally guided one before. it was interesting to get a more educated view on the whole process. after nursing a healthy buzz all day, we caught a few z's on our bus trip back into the city. after dropping of our wine and fudge purchases (yes, fudge was involved-jealous?) we ate a quick dinner in williamstown before heading back into melbourne for my evening surprise which was...drum roll please....a showing of the tony winning jersey boys. i love the theatre and haven't seen a show since i was at school so i was super stoked. i didn't know a whole lot about frankie valli and the four seasons, but the show was incredibly entertaining and the music was superb. chris enjoyed the tunes so much he decided to buy their two disc album from concessions which i promptly burned onto my computer and am presently enjoying. we arrived home a little after midnight exhausted, damp from the foul weather, but extremely content in an as-close-as-you-can-get-to-a-perfect birthday experience. i am one lucky lady.
"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine