Monday, October 27, 2008

So it's been a month....

[DISCLAIMER: I wrote this post after three glasses of wine. At first, I thought I should go ahead and do a sober edit session, then I thought...what the heck. This isn't a research paper. So go ahead and enjoy my blog in all its tipsy glory.]

....or two. I know, I know. I'm very liable to falling off the face of the earth. Funny how it works-now that I'm living here in Texas instead of across the Atlantic I blog an exponential amount less but hey, let's not nit pick. I bet you're ready for my excuse though, so here it is: my life is a monotonous continuum of the same activities day in and day out. For example: wake up, take my brother to school, eat, go to work, pick up my brother from school, nap, go back to work, eat, and go to sleep, repeat. Seriously. Everyday. However, I suppose I have had a few breaks from the monotony: 1. My birthday. Which was sort of depressing. I mean, after 21 it's just all down hill; especially when all my colleauges estimate my age at about 26 years old. Ughh. The upside? I had great gifts from my friends, family, and yes, boyfriend. You wouldn't think this would be a big deal, but I'm kind of the hardest person to buy for. Ever. So thanks to all the wonderful people in my life who know me so well. Huh. Maybe I should work on being more unpredictable. Just a thought. 2. I visited my former roomie and current bestie in the LTX. Only one Miss Whitney Hollis could make Lubbock Texas an awesomely fun place to be. We watched the Office, played Guitar Hero AND Super Mario Brothers, went out a few nights, had our traditional dinner and a movie, and even squeezed in a little football (although the UT game was postponed because of Hurricane Ike). Seriously, moving to Lubbock would actually be worth it if Whitney was my roomate again. 3. College Football. Now this always takes up the vast majority of my Saturdays during the fall, but it IS a nice added bonus that UT just happens to be the number one school in the country for the last three weeks running. The downside? I die a little more inside each time I watch a game in Austin knowing that just a year ago I was able to witness our greatness (and let's be honest, screwups) every week in person at the Darrell K Royal Stadium (not to mention front row tickets at the Red River Shootout Game in Dallas). At least my brother in law has recently purchased a high definition television for my NCAAF viewing pleasure. Gotta love the silver lining. 4. Girls' weekend in Santa Fe- my Mom and sisters stayed at my grandparents condo this past weekend for a little mid-autumn getaway which was AWESOME. We drank copius amounts of frozen margaritas and sangria, ate at our favorite restaurants (I DREAM of the #5 flat from the Shed on a regular basis), and even managed to squeeze in the game. The best part? I took a complete three days off from work which is practically a nonoccurrence in my world. 5. Halloween. I love this holiday-for some reason it's so much bigger here in the states. Hmmm. Maybe because of our capitalist money hungry ways? Sorry-cynical. But I DO love the pumpkin carving. I got my UT spirit in gear and went to town on those gords (I've even included a few pics). Also, although I'm working on the big day, I get to dress up. I think I'm going for a fifty's waitress. I know. I know. Predictable but still fun.

This is Monica (my little sister) goofing around in a mask at the flea market...

...and that's us before a night on the town.

Now it's back to the real world full of extra shifts to make up from the ones I missed (and the money I spent-totally worth it though. I got the most fabulous pair of vintage earring from the flea market in Santa Fe), more early morning school carpooling, and tons of money saving. On top of trying to finance a move toAustralia in February, now I'm trying to visit my long-time friend Dana in Portland to ring in the new year (perhaps including a trist into British Columbia-yay!). Throw in a long distance phone bill, car insurance, gas, and Christmas presents I have quite a way to go. So now it's time for work overload. Wish me luck, and forgive my negligent blogging ways. I love each and every one of you and can't wait to catch up on your lives. Thanks for reading a rather winding and monotonous record of my last month(plus). Hopefully it won't take another two months before I get motivated enough to write again...cross your fingers.

Me and Therese's UT jackolanterns!
"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine