Sunday, January 24, 2010


I don't always make the smartest decisions.

As you (hopefully) have read, Chris and I will be extending our stay in Australia for an extra 5 weeks or so. Unfortunately, this means dealing with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Is it just me, or do all beauracratic, red tape cutting, government offices sound ominous? Why not choose a more upbeat name like...We Really Like You and Want to Help You Stay in Our Country for as Long as You'd Like Because the Awesomeness Factor Rises About 10 Points When You Step on Our Soil Department. I'll admit it's a tad long, but doesn't it just ring with optimism? That's all I'm looking for, a little optimism if you please. I was saying, some necessary paperwork is required for me not to be booted out of the country on February 11th. I really needed these few extra weeks of work to fund my UK adventure before making my way home. Chris has it easy enough, because he's not a hated American, he can easily extend his visa for another year. Me? Well that's a different story. I have to lodge a formal request in person with an immigration officer to extend my visa for a further visit period. Now what would usually be a pain in the butt application/meeting is a bit more complicated than you'd expect. Why you might ask? Well because Shivonne is a corner cutting dumb ass who can't meet all legal requirements. Here's the rub: During my stay in Melbourne, I've been working cash in hand which didn't strike me as all that odd (Chris is doing the same thing-seems to be typical of restaurants around here). This means my last documented source of income using my tax file number was back in June. Now I have to show proof of funds to prove I can finance my extended stay and I'm very nervous all those cash deposits on my statement will raise more than just eyebrows. To make matters worse, I didn't file a tax return in October for my work in Queensland. Normally I don't avoid the tax man, but after doing an online return, my estimated payment to the government was around $1000 (apparently our bosses in Alpha cut corners on their tax info to, meaning we would have to pay out for it). Bottom line: my whole working income situation is way past dodgy, and I'm freaking out. Do I disclose my cash in hand situation (I mean the whole of the staff I work with gets paid this way) or will that royally screw me? For goodness sakes I just want five more weeks!

Whew! Needless to say, I'm a wee bit worried. Hopefully I'm blowing this all out of proportion, and the immigration meeting will be more like a formality. As long as I turn in the right paperwork/documents, they can't deny a teeny overstay can they? I really hope illegal immigration is not in my future.

Well other than my financial/immigration problems, things here are chugging along as usual. The renovations at work are finishing up this week, and I've even been able to go in a few days and help with the cleaning for a little more illegal cash in hand pay (If I fall, I might as well fall hard). We officially open up Wednesday, and my work sabatical will come to a close. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work-not only do I really need the cash, but a little bit of stability and routine in my life is definately welcome at the moment. Now if only I could learn to make more responsible decisions.....

Monday, January 18, 2010

This is what we call Perspective

Whilst engaging in potentially scary yet unavoidable hypothetical dinner table conversation:

Chris: "I don't want to freak you out, but eventually you are going to have to have a good long think about our future."
------long pause--------
Shivonne: "Hm. You know what would be good? If I married you, I could get dual citizenship and live like anywhere I wanted."
Chris: "Yes, WE could. I don't think you understand how this whole marriage thing works."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Flight of the Shivonne

Well kids, it's about that time again. Time to get a move on. Literally. As our stay here in the land of Paul Hogan, footy, servos, bogans, jackaroos, bondi cigars, cuppas, stubbies, and all those crazy marsupials* comes to an end, one particular to do on my list just had to be checked off. I wish it was some crazy adventure or a new exotic destination to be visited. Alas no. In the world of travel, the mundane details are just as important as the salacious adventures, and today we completed some necessary business that makes those adventures possible. Positive statement. Ringing affirmative**: we booked our flights. 

Unfortunately that doesn't mean you'll be seeing me anytime soon per say (these international do's have to be booked well in advance don't you know, not to mention the month long stopover to visit all of Chris' wonderful family and friends in the UK). What it DOES mean is I can give you actual, hard, set dates of when you WILL see me again. We call that a compromise. So here is all that vital information you just have to have. Sharpie these dates into your calendar because I am expecting numerous reunion specials upon my arrival. 

March 20th: depart Melbourne 11:15pm
March 21st: arrive London Heathrow 12:25pm

April 19th: depart London Heathrow 1pm
April 2oth: Arrive Dallas-Fort Worth 11am

Well that's the basic skeleton itinerary to date, and there's a lot of flesh around those bones that I'll update you on sometime later (let's just say the second leg of my journey will be an interesting one between an icelandic flight and changing airports in New York. The joys of traveling like a broke penny saving backpacker never end). Suffice to say that April showers this year will be bringing Shivonne along with May flowers. And I can't wait. 

*If you know what all these words mean, you have one up on me my friend.
**Yes, I realize these phrases aren't particularly necessary and probably rather confusing, but I was watching Breakfast at Tiffany's yesterday and Paul's character uttered these words and for some reason I just loved it. Now I'm trying to use this phrase whenever possible. And, yes. People are already getting tired of it. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

Baby, Oh baby.

Yes my friends, there has recently been a new addition to my existence, and frankly I'm ashamed I haven't mentioned him before. Meet my baby-Mr. Pentax X70 Digital Camera Extraordinaire himself. Since that name is a bit on the superfluous side, I decided to go with Harvey. Yes, I've named my fancy new camera Harvey. Makes me feel very vintage press. The pop up flash, on camera digital manipulation, 12 mega pixels, and 24X zoom lend me quite the  amateur photog vibe, even if I can't decipher most of the symbols appearing on my LCD screen. I know, I know. Something something manual reading blah blah blah. Where's the fun in that I ask you? What if I want to take a journey of discovery with my new friend Harvey, uncovering his most fantastic secrets with innocent experimentation? Well, that didn't work. Turns out these fancy schmancy cameras are rather intricate. We're talking histograms, aperture, light exposure, shutter speed, and a whole heap of things I don't understand let alone know how to manipulate. Looks like Harvey has issued me quite the challenge, and you know I'm not the type to back down. Hopefully this gal is brainy enough to figure out the complicated technology (I know, but it's complicated to ME) so I can showcase some fresh pics for your viewing pleasure. Oh, and by the way, this isn't even one of those fancy SLR types with interchangeable lenses. I'm afraid that would be WAY out of my league. 

Now you might be wondering just where I conjured up such a beautiful specimen. Well Harvey was gifted to me from an equally beautiful specimen-the boyfriend. Did Chris outdo himself in the Christmas spirit this year or what? Yes, I'm a very lucky girl. Knowing my fondness of capturing interesting images and my tendency of wearing out my poor little canon power shot, this thoughtful man decided to take it up a notch, and I couldn't be happier. Now let's hope there's enough love to share between Chris and Harvey, because two men in any girl's life can get complicated-am I right?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Time Has Come My Friends...

...the time for champions that is.

As most, if not all of my readers know, I heart college football. And I have very good reason to. After attending a university boasting one of the foremost powers in the NCAA football arena, it would be heretic not to bleed burnt orange. Unfortunately, for reasons I can't fathom, Australians really aren't all that interested in American football, and definitely not on the college level. Over this past season, I've been able to watch a total of three games. THREE. In not one of those games incidentally did my beloved Longhorns play. Yes. That's just what I thought-an honest to God tragedy. And do you know what the kicker is? At this very moment, the BCS National Championship game is on it's way, and I have to muster some sort of other worldly will power NOT to check the numerous score updates, online streaming footage, or even innocently pop onto Why might I be putting myself through such torture? Well I just checked the Australian sports channel network and starting at 11:25pm this evening, they will be showcasing one bowl-arama featuring the 5 bcs bowls back to back for my viewing pleasure. I am preparing to gorge myself on an all night college football feast concluding in watching my University of Texas Longhorns march to the victory they deserve in a manner not unlike four years ago on this day when they succeeded in such an attempt against USC. The team may be different, but I swear 'Bama will rue the day they were matched against the 'horns. Before I make my way home for napping duties (Isn't it clear that I have no choice? There's a mandatory all nighter in my future), I'll close this post the only way I know how: HOOK 'EM HORNS!
"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine