Thursday, December 20, 2007

The End of an Era...but the Beginning of the Rest of my Life

The oddest thing happened to me this morning; I woke up, stretched, stared out the window, and took a full ten seconds to realize where I was- in my old bedroom in the original A-town, Amarillo TX. This is definitely an adjustment. You'd think that between the graduation ceremony, the awful finals, the surreal packing experience, and the myriad of painful goodbyes that reality would have begun to sink in before now. Nope. I don't think that before this morning I truly realized that I would never be going back- to college, to Austin, to my apartment, to my best friends. Now I've seemed to develop a little bit of an insomnia problem (btw I'm writing this at 4:30AM), and I've experienced my share of anxiety attacks, but I'm ready to take a stand. Sometimes we seem to get so caught up in the past that we can't enjoy the gifts God has given us in the here and now. I'm the type of person who can let even a little bit of life past me by without a sense of regret; so my new plan is to let it go. I just don't think I could forgive myself for skimming over this short period of my life, transitional as it may be. So here I am world...bring it on.

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34

Friday, December 14, 2007

An Ode to 6th Street...

Tonight we are going out to our beloved 6th street for one more night of downtownage before we move. To commemorate the austacious event, I have written the following tribute:

Farewell 6th Street, farewell downtown adventures, moosenuckle, and the blind pig. Farewell shots that taste like cough syrup and those that taste like "pineapple upside down cake." Goodbye late night pizza, Leslie, and the best birthday shots ever at Paradise. We will miss you so have filled our weekends for over a year now, and we have become accustomed to your presence. We know we will never experience the same level of "going out" anywhere else, and we will hold you and the memories you have helped to make close to our hearts (at least the ones we remember). Until we meet again...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fin, El Final, Das Ende!!!

That's right. I am 100% finished with my very last college paper ever!!!! that is definately not one of my fonder college memories. But tonight I cannot wait to go spread some holiday cheer and celebrate by having a christmas light viewing extravaganza with my girlies...get excited!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My first post!

So thanks to one miss Laura*Dee, I have set up my very first blog...yay! I was planning on doing this anyway in January to document my travels, but since I got a good kick in the butt from such a lovely lady I'm starting now.

Right now I should be writing the 15 page paper I have due tomorrow and haven't even started, but instead I decided to set this up- at least I have my priorities straight.

I guess all I have left to say right now is that I want to enjoy Austin and my besties as much as possible before I move on Monday....I love you girlies!
"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine