Friday, February 19, 2010

Gotta Love a Sweet Summer Saturday

That's right. I'm afraid I must rub it in. I'm basking in the sumptuous summer sun while you poor Northern Hemispherites (yes that's the official term) are dealing with the winter crazy hitting an all time high this year. And do you know what really puts the cherry on my summer Saturday sundae? A day off. So TGIS* my friends.

I started my low key day off right; I resisted the sleep in temptation. Well not so much resisted as my internal alarm clock woke me up at 8am, and try as I might I could not get back to sleep. I'm going to go ahead and chalk this up as another pro in the maturity column of my life. My continuously running maturity pros/cons list is kind of like that 'you know you're getting older when...' deal. For example the other day someone asked me how old I was, and I had to think about it, I mean really think about it. What happened to the good old days when I would answer without a milisecond of hesitation 'fixin to be 15 thank you very much.' I not only knew my age, but qualified it reflex style. But don't worry too much about my pro column being all that full. I managed to round it out with a big old con in the form of demolishing the entire contents of a bottle of red wine last night whilst watching some bad TV. How did mature Shivonne rationalize this decision? The antioxidants of course. Hello pro. Yep. I'm all about the balance.

I decided to make good use of my early rising by taking my lovely new camera for a playdate along the waterfront before the heat set in. In true day off fashion, I quickly braided my hair, pulled on leggings and a gray tshirt, threw on a cap and even slapped on some suncreen for good measure. Luckily Williamstown stays pretty sleepy on Saturday mornings before 10am, so my only company consisted of seagulls and the occasional jogger snidely running by. Don't you just hate that self congratulatory look of someone who wakes up early on the weekend, puts on fancy running clothes, and proceeds to run 10 miles? Smug bastards. Smug, incredibly fit, tanned bastards. Okay. Maybe they are on to something, but I'll never admit it to their face. That'll show 'em!

Forty minutes and hundreds of shots later (good thing I invested in the biggest memory card I could find), I turned my tear strewn eyes out of the blinding morning light and blustery summer wind feeling assured that I had captured multiple shots of every building in detail staring at me from Melbourne's skyline across the bay. In my post photo yet temporarily sight hindered glow, I neglected to mind my footing and promptly spun cartoon style into a magnificent fall. Sprawled on the dewy grass surrounded by my belongings, I thanked my lucky stars only the seagulls witnessed the latest proof of my increasingly rapid inclination towards clumsiness. I swear I heard them cackle though...cheeky little gits.

So now I'm enjoying the free internet and air conditioning provided by the Hobson Bay Library System. I think I'll spend the rest of my day reading and maybe sneak in a little nap. The only downside of of lazy summer days off is that they never seem to last as long as I'd like.
*Thank goodness it's Saturday. and Summer. It goes both ways. I don't. TMI? OK. Enough with the acronyms already!


Ivy said...

cant wait to see all of these pictures!! post girl! post!

i miss you a ton. but thats a given.

Trisha said...

I miss you too Shivonne, lets see those pics!

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine