Sunday, February 7, 2010

Quick Update

And I mean really quick.

I'm sitting in the little Williamstown public library using the free internet for the first time in over a week but for very good reasons. I've just finished my first full week back at work since we reopened after the renovations and I put in a solid 50 hours. 50 hours! That's crazy talk right! The kind of working week some fancy pants lawyer wouldn't think was a big deal but let me tell you after 5 weeks off I am DRAINED. My feet hurt. My knees hurt. I'm exhausted. But it's worth every minute. After my work sabatical and multi international ticket purchases my savings are as drained as I am. Good news though...I get TWO days off this week and only have 43 hours to cover.

Oh no. My terminal time is rapidly depleting (on my computer that is. I'm not terminal. Apparently my relating skills are low when exhausted and short on time) so I'm going to take the last two minutes before I'm kicked off to say....I don't have to become an illegal alien! Yay! Long story short I freaked my self out about my immigration office appointment for nothing. I walked in, didn't even have to show all my supporting evidence, and was granted an extension right away. Whew! Well I really have to go but hope to put in a longer update soon! love you all!

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"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine