Sunday, May 25, 2008


No, that is not the cry of a five year old at a petting zoo; unfortunately, that is a twenty-two year old Texan giddy with excitement at seeing something to remind her of home. I know the whole horse/cowboy boots/western thing is so stereotypical of Texans, but I still like to buy into it. I even tell people I meet that I rode a horse to school everyday when I was little...they love that stuff. Well, on Thursday I was having a rough day at work---nothing in particular to bug me, just overworked, underslept, and a bit down. Anywho, one of the new girls who started in the shop-Hannah-let it slip that she used to be a professional horse jumper and she still owns a horse that lives a mere 15 minutes away. Well that was just too good an opportunity to pass up. Veronika and I convinced her to take us to meet her horse-Rosie-in Strathire and then we took a scenic drive in her car until dusk. So relaxing. I almost forgot how nice it is just to sit in the car, play a little Norah Jones, and soak in the scenery. I might have got a little carsick at one point (these roads here are dang curvy), but I just stuck my head out the window into the cool air like a dog and I was ready for more. I need to pursue relaxing activities like this more often. So refreshing.

This is Rosie with her momma Hannah....

Rosie in all her glory. She's retired now (being 11), but was quite a show stopper in her time.

So Veronika's a bit freaked out not only by horses, but ponies as well (this is Blossom).

Hannah and Rosie are super close, but then again they have been together for over a decade

Me getting some horsie lovin' from Rosie. Note the overcoat. In May. What the crap Scotland? Haven't you heard of near summer-like weather? Guess not.

Anywho, nothing else is really new at the moment. Just the same old same old work, sleep, etc. I'm trying to finish up my visa papers to send in this week and I hope everything goes through ok. Red tape is so frustrating to get through. Damn bureacracies. Pray for me that the right thing happens...I feel really confident in my decision, but you never know what the Big Guy has in store for you.

Oh, I almost forgot! I got a letter from Grandma in the mail the other morning at work that made my life! Thank you so much for the kind words and the updates...I loved hearing from you! I actually tried to read it in between serving customers, got all teary eyed, and then had to pretend I stubbed my toe to account for the water works. Anyway, bottom're awesome and I heart you.

Sorry for such a nonsensical, blabbering, mess of a blog, but I hope the pictures help make up for it! I love you all like crazy! Muah!


Ivy said...

i love this post! i love hearing about your daily life and things that happen to you that make you tear up or smile. i am so very grateful for the people you have met there that take care of you when we cant be there to love on you in person.

i think of you and miss you every day. this upcoming weekend wont be the same without you. i love you shivster.

L-Kat said...


miss you like crazy and love you more.

Whitney said...

call me again soon!!! i love you. i miss you. yadda yadda yadda. and i do read your blogs, in case you were wondering. so glad you are having so much fun on those days off. the horses are gorgeous and im jealous.

love. miss. praying for you always. muah.

Kim said...

I love you and of course am praying for you. I am so happy you realize that you are in God's hands and He is paving your path.

Darrell Glenn said...

Hey Darling, Today is St. Joan's Day. I pray that she pray for you everyday. I love you.

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine