Monday, March 17, 2008

"A very merry unbirthday to you, to you..."

Anybody else an Alice in Wonderland fan? When I was little I loved that movie, especially the mad hatter part-what a great idea to celebrate not only your day of birth but also an unbirthday as well! Genius! Anyways, for the past five years or so, I've been celebrating my unbirthday on the date exactly 6 months from my actual birthday. March 17th. Which just happens to be today. Which is also St. Patrick's day so double bonus. Now, I'm not so presumptious to actually ask for presents on this my unbirthday day (I mean, feel more than welcome to send some if you are so inclined, but it isn't technically a requirement ;) but I do like to do something extra special/fun and maybe have a celebratory drink or two; after all I am Irish Catholic, and it would be wrong not too-right?

Well my unbirthday got off to a rather shaky start: Today is actually my day off (yes, I did ask Veronika if this could be my off day for the week just because it was my unbirthday-sad, but true) so last night I didn't worry about going to sleep early, and I also washed my work clothes. So when there was a knock at my door a little after 6am, I thought I was dreaming. Well not so much dreaming as having a nightmare. Unfortunately not. Dick (that's my boss in case you're wondering) popped his head in to ask if I would open the shop because Kevin didn't show up for work. Yep, that's right. I had to work on my day off, on my unbirthday, on St. Patrick's day, after two hours of sleep, and in street clothes because my work gear was still sopping wet. Hmmm...not a very merry unbirthday to me. Oh well...I shouldn't complain. I only had to work for two hours, and I decided to be productive, resist temptation to crawl back into bed, and fully enjoy my day off. So far a good decision, but ask me again at about three this afternoon...

So my plans for today are nice and laid-back; I think I'll go do some browsing in a couple of the cute shops on main street (including a really neat antique shop that I've been wanting to check out), take in brunch in the tea room, perhaps squeeze in a nap, and then I think I'm going to the cinema in Stirling to catch a flick. Round the day off with a pint (perhaps Guinness for Patty's day if I'm feeling brave) and I'll be set! So to everyone else out there I hope you enjoy your St. Patrick's day festivities, and make sure to mark your own unbirthday on the calendar and I'll be more than happy to celebrate with you when the time comes!


L-Kat said...

happy unbirthday!
we should have a huge celebration when you get back. but it won't be unbirthdays...since fall is practically birthday season for us.

and oh yea, we'll be celebrating your return! which i can't wait for. we've been talking about it. it's gonna be crazy awesome. i'm glad people are telling you how awesome you are since we aren't there to do it...because you are, and it translates across oceans.

i love you.

Heather said...

Aww so fun. I missed my unbirthday I was on the 10th so only a couple of days ago. So great that you are doing so well. Sounds like you are really enjoying your job and great friends you are making.

Let us know if St. Patrick's day is more fun over there in good ole Scotland!! Have a wonderful day off!

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page." -St. Augustine